Titanium Park
In 2004, it was identified that 117ha of land surrounding Hamilton Airport, was not needed for the direct operational requirements of the Airport. BBO consequently assisted the Waikato Regional Airport Ltd, McConnell Property, and Titanium Park Ltd to achieve the rezoning and subsequent development of Titanium Park - a high-quality business park located adjacent to Hamilton Airport.
The challenge
BBO has been an integral player in the development of Titanium Park. The first step in 2007, was rezoning the surrounding land at Hamilton Airport to an Airport Business Zone in the Waipa District Plan, with a supporting Structure Plan. The Structure Plan sets out how and where development was to occur, its infrastructure requirements, and Titanium Park’s key connections to the local transportation network.
The success of the Plan Change was founded on BBO demonstrating that there was a need for additional business land in the Waikato Region and that safe and efficient connections could be established with the adjacent local and State Highway roading network. A further challenge to BBO and the client, was how best to service the land cost-effectively based on its relatively isolated position, and incremental demand uptake.

The outcome
Titanium Park has been developed to respond to market demands and provides for both temporary and permanent infrastructure arrangements. To achieve this, some areas of Titanium Park already have wastewater connections in place for a future treatment plant, whereas other areas of the business park rely on on-site disposal.
Multiple resource consents have subsequently been obtained from Waipa District Council and the Waikato Regional Council for development, earthworks, and an on-site wastewater treatment plant. The subdivision consents obtained have enabled the client to respond to the market by creating flexibility which enabled lot sizes and shapes to be modified up to titles being issued.
The successful outcome of this project has been embodied by a strong integrated design approach which included consenting, legal survey, roading and intersection connections, earthworks and both temporary and permanent infrastructure design.

Temple View
509 Tuhikaramea Road, Temple View, Hamilton City, Waikato

Safe Roads Alliance
National programme