Traffic & Transportation Engineering
Traffic & Transportation Engineering
BBO’s Traffic and Transportation Engineering team takes pride in delivering quality, robust transport planning advice; transport modelling services; Integrated Transport Assessments; and traffic engineering design and effects assessments. Our team is fully accredited and experienced at undertaking all stages of road safety and Safe System audits, transport assessment peer reviews, and we also provide expert-witness traffic and transportation engineering evidence at designation, resource consent and plan change hearings.
BBO’s traffic and transportation engineering services include:
Transport Planning
Transportation advice for rezoning and changes to district plan rules, structure plans, and master plans for a range of clients including local authorities, land-use planners, land developers, architects, civil engineers, and service providers. Our inputs facilitate the integration of sustainable transport concepts and solutions into the client’s masterplan objectives, resulting in well-functioning urban environments.
Transportation / Traffic Assessments
The preparation of Integrated Transport Assessments (ITA) and Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA) for all types of developments that require rezoning and/or resource consents. These assessments identify the effects of a new development where transport demand is generated on the surrounding transport network and identify any mitigating measures that may be required. They often involve intersection performance analysis, pedestrian and cyclist accessibility and safety assessments, parking provision, access arrangements, internal site circulation, and liaison with the relevant road controlling authorities (including the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi).
Transport Modelling
We use industry recognised software such as PTV Vissim (micro-simulation), and SIDRA Intersection, and LinSig to test the capacity and performance effects of proposed road network improvements, and to study the extent of impacts of land-use developments.
PTV Vissim: a detailed traffic micro-simulation software package, used to accurately model all modes of transport interaction in multifaceted urban network environments. It is highly valuable for visually demonstrating traffic behaviour in complex scenarios including the effects of queues, lane changes, weaving, and merging.
SIDRA: an analytical software package for modelling traffic at signal, give-way, and roundabout intersections, as well as access ways to roads.
LinSig: software for assessing closely spaced signalised intersections, or signalised roundabouts.
WRTM (Waikato Regional Transportation Model: used for scenario testing when undertaking the analysis of large-scale development transport effects on the wider network.
Road Safety Audits and Safe System AuditsRoad Safety Audits and Safe System Audits are a formal and structured process for the assessment of the safety aspects of road upgrade projects. Our fully accredited road safety engineers (all having completed NZTA’s 5-day Safe System Engineering Workshop course) are highly experienced having completed all stages of road safety audit (preliminary and detailed design, and post-construction phases) for developers, Councils and NZTA.
Other road safety engineering services we provide include safe system road safety design, roadside barrier design, walking and cycling safety reviews, and crash analysis and reduction studies for both urban and rural road environments.
Other traffic and transport engineering related professional services include:
Traffic signal intersection modelling and design (concept through to construction)
Roundabout, signalised roundabout, give-way intersection, and stop controlled intersection capacity assessments and design.
Transport modelling using micro-simulation for complex and/or congested road networks.
Professional affiliations include Engineering New Zealand Membership, two Chartered Professional Engineers in the practice area of transport engineering, and a range of other national and international bodies.